Remaining Calm
Dua lipa pushed up the release of her new album. Lady Gaga postponed hers. Interesting. Everyone has a different sensibility as to how Covid-19 is going to affect our listening culture. (Spell Check still underlines “Covid.” That won’t be for long.)
My daughter Layla assures me we need music more now that ever. That’s the exact sentiment I had when we were first told to shelter in place. As you may recall I considered suspending the release of my new single “George & John,” which was due to drop the following day! But I reconsidered because I’m an optimist. Like Dua Lipa!
That said, every day my mindset shifts. One day I’m like yeah... Go Music! But the next day I’m too worried about the world, and being away from my daughter who’s in the epicenter of the madness sucks joy out of everything. I know I know...worrying is a waste of time. But don’t try to talk me out of it. Cuz THAT will be a waste of time.
Layla (my girl) seems to be quite happy in spite of it all. Out of respect for her privacy I’ll refrain from the detail but something I can share (that unsucks the joy) is that she’s gotten back to making art. I guess that’s what happens when you get laid off from your real job. You do what you haven’t had the chance to do for months because you just graduated from college and needed a job...which you no longer have.
My sweet neighbor Haylie gave me 4 face masks she had left over from the last L.A. crisis…The Fires. I Fed-exed 2 of them to Layla and her friend. I told her she’d better wear that mask and if she thinks I’m annoying when I insist she wear a scarf in the winter she ain’t seen nothin!
I really don’t have to tell her, though. She’s not a foolish girl.
Anyway...where was I? My man and I are lucky and we know it. We own a little beach house in a very unsexy town called Oxnard (sounds like cow dung) about an hour west of our Laurel Canyon home. It’s usually rented but everybody canceled so we came out. The beach is basically empty. You can be on it and still be within 300 feet of another person. Or dog.
So here I sit watching a sunset and an ocean that has no idea that Time Square is Empty. Yes, I’m ok but I’m not some asshole broadcasting from a yacht tone deaf to the majority of humanity living paycheck to paycheck and now they don’t even have a paycheck. I may enjoy my bubble but I’m not oblivious to what’s going on outside of it or to those who caught the damn virus or might still. Maybe me!
Last week I did what so many musicians have been doing to feel connected and stay sane. I livestreamed from my living room. I was nervous about it a few days before showtime because...really? I have trouble tagging an IG story and I’m gonna film this thing with a cell phone? But we did it. Adam and I. And it was the most fun we’ve had since this unfathomable crisis began.
While I was singing I wasn’t worried.
Maybe Layla is right. I guess I just have to keep singing. Until it’s over. And then some. Lady Gaga might want to reconsider.
How are you doing? Is music keeping you sane or is it harder to make or share or enjoy because you’re FREAKING OUT? Don’t freak out. It’s gonna be ok. Around July. But are you ever gonna shake someone’s hand again? I’m not.
Have you listened to “George & John” yet? Jesus Christ. How many times do I have to ask? Listen to this song. It’s amazing. I promise. You’re gonna love it. Pandemic or not.
Thank You.
And my full living room livestream is still posted here (if you have some time on your hands.) It’s tons of fun.
Hopefully by next week we’ll have a better idea of how long til we can see our pals outside of zoom.
But maybe not.
La la la la la
Stay safe.
Watch Phil Thornalley and I sparring in London