Let’s Talk About Songwriting
You can never capture a feeling as clearly as you can in the moment you’re having it. So write it down ASAP. Or really SOON! Feelings and memories get clouded in the fog of time. And clouded by how we keep re-telling a story to ourselves. (But those are songs too.) (All of them.)

Follow the YOLO Brick Road
YOLO = You Only live Once. I highly recommend that any career songwriter carve out some time to make their own record. Cut your hits. Your never-been-heards. They’re your babies. Your life. What will you leave behind?

All About Eve
Eve gets me. She gets what I’m trying to do. She believes I’m as relevant as I believe I am in my own head. Isn’t that what a girl (or a boy) wants in a producer? Vagina or penis is irrelevant.

Speed Songwriting, Writer's Block and Short Cuts
I started this blog and then couldn’t finish cuz I was glued to the news. I THINK it was real news. Some of us aren’t sure of what’s real and what’s fake anymore. Facebook friends have urged me to keep doing what I’m doing. No matter what. So…with that…Sometimes I’m asked how long it takes to write a great song.