Liaising With Lucy… (Woodward)
Lucy has the kind of voice that makes me angry. I tell her that no matter the lessons I’ve taken, the breathing correctly (or not), or my own rockstar fantasies, there’s no substitute for being born with the equipment that allows a certain kind of magic to flow from ones lungs. I’m in awe of how that voice keeps her moving about the planet.
Album Update
Sometimes you can’t beat a scratch vocal. There’s something about the first moment you step up to the mic and it’s so fresh and real. I’m never going to be more honest than when I’m not thinking about it. I feel it with my bones.
Help! I Need Somebody, Help!
I believe great songwriters are born with some kind of songwriting DNA. But with hard work and guidance even those who weren’t given an ample dose at birth, can nurture what they were given and improve. Even go Pro.