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Sometimes I’m unable to give Taylor Swift the kudos she deserves because she’s so calculated, effective, brilliant, shameless! I can’t decide whether she’s the girl I love to hate or the girl I hate to love. I guess she’s a little bit of both. 

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Dear Mandy Moore…
blog Shelly Peiken blog Shelly Peiken

Dear Mandy Moore…

Dear Mandy, Back when we met way before THIS IS US, I wrote a song for you called “17.” You came to record vocals. You were so young. Sweet. Starry eyed. Baby skinned. But it was your performance on “I Wanna Be With You,” a lyric I wrote to a melody Keith Thomas sent me for the movie CENTER STAGE, that clinched my crush on you.

I followed you though all 6 seasons of THIS IS US but now that it’s over I miss you, Mandy. I miss THIS IS US. I think I’m going through withdrawal! 🥹 🥹

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Separating the Artist From The Art
blog Shelly Peiken blog Shelly Peiken

Separating the Artist From The Art

Once a creation is released into the universe it exists as separate energy. And entity. The writer may own the copyright but the people own the feeling. It’s out there. You can’t put the genie back in the bottle.

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