Green Light Moments πŸ’šπŸš₯
blog Shelly Peiken blog Shelly Peiken

Green Light Moments πŸ’šπŸš₯

Green Light Moments are when the Universe tells us we’re on the right path. Not for a minute since we began creating the Musical SNIPPED! have I had a second thought about the endeavor. And on the morning of our first staged performance I got a sign from the Universe … a Green Light Moment if there ever was one ... that life was saying "yes." πŸ’šπŸš¦

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Life Lessons Revisited
blog Shelly Peiken blog Shelly Peiken

Life Lessons Revisited

College wasn’t perfect. I had my share of broken hearts, C-minuses, zits. But all in all it was a rich, eye-opening experience and although I didn’t wind up pursuing a career in the area of my study, it readied me in many important ways for the world.

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