Crossing The Pond
There’s a slight kerfuffle at boarding. We wait in the tunnel for 20 minutes at a standstill. Is something wrong with the plane? Are they reattaching the exit door? Is this a Boeing? I’m poised to call American Express with whom I booked my flight to ask what my options are. And do I have a change of underwear in my carry-on? I used to be a free man in Paris. And everywhere else. Not any more. What happened? 😳

Now And Then
I’m a purist when it comes to the Beatles. Don’t touch them. Don’t change them. Protect their legacy. Let them be. But if you miss them enough — after all, there are those of us who never recovered from their dissolution — if this one-last-final-Beatles-song resurrects for you what is gone or gives you something to hang onto or smile about by all means … enjoy. 🙎🏻♂️🙎🏽♂️🙎🏻♂️🙎🏽♂️

And Another Thing About The Beatles…
Every time I’m working on a song that I’m super excited about…a song I think has heart and legs and a raison d’être…if I should stumble in passing upon “You’re Gonna Lose That Girl,” or “Dear Prudence” (really anything Beatles) I start questioning my work. As in why bother to write songs if I can’t write a song that good? Have you ever felt that way?

The Way We Were
We’ll always have plenty of talented tasty, clever ear-worm-worthy songsmiths. Topliners. Beat Makers whose delicious material I enjoy immensely. It’s just that when we lose all our Marilyns who’s going to write “The Way We Were”? How do you keep THAT music playing?

George & John
Thankfully Paul & Ringo are still with us. But it’s the magical combination of Paul, John, George & Ringo together that’s left an indelible imprint on my DNA and a gash in my heart where they once existed as a whole. In honor of these feelings I returned to London to revisit and fine-tune an original demo with Phil Thornalley. I can’t thank him enough for sharing the desire to turn this loss into art.

Yesterday: A World Without The Beatles
The Beatles are the ultimate common thread — the timeless hub around which all music lovers revolve. We can disagree about politics, cuisine and couture but I think we all see eye to eye when it comes to the Beatles.

Songs From The Other Side
As creators , when we put forth original material we are present (if not hands-on) from beginning to end — from conception to mixing. Our songs are our babies and we want to make sure the world hears them the way we envisioned them — according to our sensibilities. So, If something happened to you in the middle of making your album, would you be comfortable with someone else fully realizing your work-in-progress on your behalf — thankful that it would be heard? Or would you prefer that it rest and never see the light of day?

Shhh! We're Not Supposed to Talk About It!
Apparently, anyone with a platform risks losing half their community of support if they veer off that platform. Is that an excuse? Maybe. But I’m more than a songwriter. So let’s discuss….

You Say You Want A Revolution
It may feel like the Eve Of Destruction out there but it's an important time to be a songwriter.

Baby You Can Drive My Car
Those of you with toddlers who can't live without The Wiggles...take heart. Soon enough you'll be sharing playlists. She may even be driving the car.