Can We Still Be Friends
In the course of ones life, friends can move around inside of a — well — a 'target board' and get closer to and farther away from the bullseye. We have to be open to the idea that the positioning between 2 friends, however dear — along with the depth of connection — can change over time.

Speed Songwriting, Writer's Block and Short Cuts
I started this blog and then couldn’t finish cuz I was glued to the news. I THINK it was real news. Some of us aren’t sure of what’s real and what’s fake anymore. Facebook friends have urged me to keep doing what I’m doing. No matter what. So…with that…Sometimes I’m asked how long it takes to write a great song.

Getting The Single
When we're told we have the Single our self esteem rises over night. Obviously, we tell ourselves, it was just a matter of time and all the recent rejection was absolutely leading up to this very moment. We’re sure of it. (Even though the week prior, we were wishing we had chosen another profession. Something easier. Olympic figure skating perhaps.)

A Songwriter's State of the Union
There is much work to do and it’s not going to be easy, but if we don’t try we can forget the idea of a next generation being able to make music and earn a living like many of us did. And then music will be written by amateurs, imposters, and the uninspired.

You Say You Want A Revolution
It may feel like the Eve Of Destruction out there but it's an important time to be a songwriter.

Father's Day 2016—Since You've Been Gone
As much as I wish you were still here I take comfort in knowing you escaped some very painful times. At least that's what I tell myself when I want to feel better about missing you so much.