Under The Influence
blog Shelly Peiken blog Shelly Peiken

Under The Influence

Writing under the influence changes your judgement. It just does. That said, I’m all for it as long as you're not too invested. As long as you're willing to wake up the morning-after and forgive yourself for the sin of thinking you were a genius the night before when in fact you were a fool. 😳

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24 Spots
blog Shelly Peiken blog Shelly Peiken

24 Spots

SONA’s very first (and very successful) songwriting day-camp grouped 24 (mainly) up-and-coming songwriters in 3-way collaborations. Next time, we may pair new-school writers with old school writers which makes sense to me because the current approach in songwriting incorporates more wordplay but often lacks a solid concept. Whereas seasoned writers come with solid concepts that could use more wordplay — consistent with current pop trends. I’m down for next time. 

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Still Co-Writing After All These Years
blog Shelly Peiken blog Shelly Peiken

Still Co-Writing After All These Years

When I started out I was 20. Everyone else was 20. We liked to write about the same 20-something things. Now, I don’t blame anyone for being 20. It was great! It’s just that I have a wider palette now.  

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Songwriters Taking it Online
blog Shelly Peiken blog Shelly Peiken

Songwriters Taking it Online

I do believe there will be silver linings to this hermetically sealed existence but until then, as a mother I’m beside myself being so far away from my daughter who’s in the city that’s been hit hardest. If I wanted to get to her I couldn’t. It’s unnerving. But as a songwriter I’m grateful that I can still work and try to keep my mind off the separation. That said this has been a game-changer for creativity too.

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