So You Want To Start A Blog
blog Shelly Peiken blog Shelly Peiken

So You Want To Start A Blog

Blog. I hate the word. It sounds like “blah” which is synonymous with boring. Or worse — “blah blah blah” — a monotonous drone (of someone’s personal predilections perhaps). It also rhymes with clog which reminds me of congestion. I wish they called it something else. But if you believe the way you see the world is worth sharing, if you feel you have a unique slant on things even if it’s not popular or hip, forget about what the word evokes. Be brave and and go for it.

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New Year's Resolutions 2019: Simple But Real
blog Shelly Peiken blog Shelly Peiken

New Year's Resolutions 2019: Simple But Real

At the beginning of every new year I make a few promises to myself. I like to keep them simple but real. No ridiculous diets revolving around resisting cheese (never gonna happen) or intentions of completely changing my ways. It’s the little things that seem to effectively shift my spiritual journey anyway.

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