10 Songwriting Habits
blog Shelly Peiken blog Shelly Peiken

10 Songwriting Habits

Hello songwriting junkies!

I detest listicles and their clickbait intentions but I came upon a piece I wrote for Songwriting Magazine called “10 Key Phrases to Help You Tap into a Deeper Level of Songwriting Creativity.” The list is actually random brain farts 😜 that I didn’t think too much about. On the re-read however, I thought — ”Yeah!” So … I’m sharing with you. I hope you find something here that ups your game. 🎸🎶

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My Way
blog Shelly Peiken blog Shelly Peiken

My Way

The songs we cherish say a lot about who we are. My Dad’s favorites were filled with heart, empathy, humanity, hope and pride. All things that he embodied. I’m so grateful he shared them with me. Happy Father’s Day!

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