This Thanksgiving


In yoga class when we lay in Shavasana (final resting pose), the instructor will often suggest we thank ourselves for “coming to our mat” that day. Thanking myself for coming to my mat used to confuse me but it doesn’t any more. It’s called self-care.

On social media we (myself included) portray ourselves as strong and relevant but away from the screen we’re actually fragile people with plenty of flaws and insecurities and we can be pretty hard on ourselves. But every day is another chance to try…try to be a better citizen of the universe. A better friend to our friends and a better friend to ourselves. As long as we keep coming to the mat, whether in a yoga studio or elsewhere, I think we deserve a self-administered hug. So… 

…on This Thanksgiving I decided to make a list of some of the things I appreciate about myself from baby steps to major accomplishments. You should too. I’ll start…

Here goes…

I Thank Myself for giving people, who’s first impression might not have been favorable, another shot at friendship.

I Thank Myself for being mindful about asking how someone else’s day is going before (or shortly after) I start blabbing about mine. 

I Thank Myself for accepting I’m not able to run as fast as I did back when I was young — you know… like 45. 😳

I Thank Myself for forsaking martinis until I finish recording my album so that I don’t dry out my f*cking vocal cords.

I Thank Myself for finally making that record because it’s truly the most fun I’ve had in a really long time. 

I Thank Myself for easing up on my occasional road rage.

I Thank Myself for being kind to people who exhibit rude behavior because after all, they mighta just had a shit day. 

I Thank Myself for still having faith in my country (albeit with crossed fingers) after a long surreal year. 

I Thank Myself for not saying “all music sucks” because it doesn’t. You just have to change the station. Or pick another playlist. (Or listen to KCRW’s Morning Becomes Eclectic from 9-12 weekdays here in LA)!

I Thank Myself for feeling beautiful when I could easily, in a youth oriented culture, look in the mirror and compare my face to the one I had in college.  

But I also Thank Myself for not giving it a second thought some years ago when a well-meaning friend or 2 tried to discourage me from getting the puffiness “surgically removed” from my eyes. (See below.) Wouldn’t you have done something about this? I have no regret. 


Granted, this was the morning after a hard night….but still…

I Thank Myself for being brave enough to post that!

I Thank Myself for saving my money when I started making some and for not assuming I was going to have a hit every week, every month, every year, every decade! 

I Thank Myself for spending money on items and experiences that bring me comfort — cushy shoes, seats with more legroom, support bras — and for not spending on things that don’t — designer handbags, upscale hair salons, expensive wine (when I can’t tell the difference anyway.)  

I Thank Myself for purging this year and getting anything the doesn’t inspire or spark joy out of my closet, out of my t-shirt drawer, my fridge, backyard, off of my couch, my walls, my song title list, earring tree, my lotion-perfume-candle and essential oil collection. Etc. You know the drill.

I Thank Myself for committing to be more intuitive about technology so I don’t pull my hair out when I can’t make shit work. 

I Thank Myself for reaching out to find YOU — every one of you who subscribe to this blog — and those who have not unsubscribed even if you wound up on it mysteriously. 😳😳

I could go on — there is more  — but you get the idea. 

I hope you take some time to make your own list this year. Big and small things. And I hope you send this to someone who hasn’t been giving themselves enough credit. 

Now go have some turkey, or Tofurkey, red wine or Pellegrino. Give all of your family and friends a big hug. Thank them for their love and support. And then…don’t forget to hug yourself. ❤️

Here’s to waking up every day and trying again. Keep coming to the mat.


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