Straddling the Old and the New
Uncategorized Shelly Peiken Uncategorized Shelly Peiken

Straddling the Old and the New

I am of a certain age and they call my generation, "digital immigrants" for a reason: we had to adapt to the digital world, unlike the young "native" millennials who were born into it. They make it look easy. But I'm determined.

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Come Together
Uncategorized Shelly Peiken Uncategorized Shelly Peiken

Come Together

When it comes to deciding who should go to DC to represent the creative community it is my view that no single group will be as influential or effective as we can be in a united front. 

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Songwriter Therapy
Uncategorized Shelly Peiken Uncategorized Shelly Peiken

Songwriter Therapy

I guess I’m just enjoying taking stock and remembering what matters to me—brushing up on and what I once knew so well. Because as soon as you think u know it all, you know nothing. 

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Dear Daughter....
Uncategorized Shelly Peiken Uncategorized Shelly Peiken

Dear Daughter....

When I woke up on the first morning after delivering you to college it was quiet.Really quiet. Just as I thought, nobody was in your bed. I knew you weren't at a sleepover. Or on a school trip. This was for real.

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Tune Me Up!
Uncategorized Shelly Peiken Uncategorized Shelly Peiken

Tune Me Up!

There was a soulfulness to those imperfect vocals…just like the humans who sang them. Full of sharps and flats. Nobody’s life is perfectly on pitch. 

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