Speed Songwriting, Writer's Block and Short Cuts
blog Shelly Peiken blog Shelly Peiken

Speed Songwriting, Writer's Block and Short Cuts

I started this blog and then couldn’t finish cuz I was glued to the news. I THINK it was real news. Some of us aren’t sure of what’s real and what’s fake anymore. Facebook friends have urged me to keep doing what I’m doing. No matter what. So…with that…Sometimes I’m asked how long it takes to write a great song.

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Long Walk Home
blog Shelly Peiken blog Shelly Peiken

Long Walk Home

I'm stepping off the Long Island Railroad and the first thing I see is the roof of what used to be Freeport Bowl, where girls made out with boys in cars—“Midnight Oasis” on the radio. “Put your camel to bed.” How about THAT for a lyric? 

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Writing Up
blog Shelly Peiken blog Shelly Peiken

Writing Up

One of the participants at SongStudio asked what it would take for her to get in a room with me. I explained that we all have to work with writers of our own level and one day, something will happen out of the blue…an A&R might give her a favorable recommendation or a hit writer might love a song she wrote and voila, she’ll get her session with a more experienced songsmith. And she'll be Writing Up! 

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A Day Without Likes
blog Shelly Peiken blog Shelly Peiken

A Day Without Likes

Words are precious. Every "LIKE" is a substitute for what we really mean. Don’t tell me THAT she was liketell me WHAT she was like. I want to know. Was she blue? Was she beige? Did you hurt her feelings? Did he say nothing at all? Write me a song. Paint me a picture. 

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Light at the End of the Streaming Tunnel
blog Shelly Peiken blog Shelly Peiken

Light at the End of the Streaming Tunnel

If you didn’t sell your catalogue during the gold rush, fear not. We may have to think of it as “holding on to real estate during a down market in a neighborhood that could get really hot.”  

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I Write, Therefore I Am
blog Shelly Peiken blog Shelly Peiken

I Write, Therefore I Am

I’ve developed a latent crush on the English language—obsessed with learning new words (and I’m delighted when I actually remember their meaning the following week)! I'm having a love affair with thesaurus.com and I feel high when I discover a perfect adjective.

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Born To Run
blog Shelly Peiken blog Shelly Peiken

Born To Run

Serial Songwriters (The Bruce Springseens as well as the Suzie Smiths) have creative common threads. They just manifest themselves slightly differently in different souls. I like reading about these threads because I recognize myself as part of a larger Tribe. It’s like a link to a religion I belong to. I’m confirmed. 

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Bon Appétit
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Bon Appétit

How far do we need to go to feel like we've boldly gone where no one has gone before?

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Getting The Single
blog Shelly Peiken blog Shelly Peiken

Getting The Single

When we're told we have the Single our self esteem rises over night. Obviously, we tell ourselves, it was just a matter of time and all the recent rejection was absolutely leading up to this very moment. We’re sure of it. (Even though the week prior, we were wishing we had chosen another profession. Something easier. Olympic figure skating perhaps.) 

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Songwriters Are Artists Too
blog Shelly Peiken blog Shelly Peiken

Songwriters Are Artists Too

We songwriters are just as noteworthy as the pop-stars who record our material. We need each other. We are partners. We'd be nowhere without someone to deliver our message. And that someone, if they're not a contributor themselves, would be nowhere without us. We are the Unsung hero. The Unfamous. The Unfamiliar. The Unknown. Just because we’re behind the curtain doesn't mean we should have a lesser title. 

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A Songwriter's State of the Union
blog Shelly Peiken blog Shelly Peiken

A Songwriter's State of the Union

There is much work to do and it’s not going to be easy, but if we don’t try we can forget the idea of a next generation being able to make music and earn a living like many of us did. And then music will be written by amateurs, imposters, and the uninspired. 

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Coast To Coast
blog Shelly Peiken blog Shelly Peiken

Coast To Coast

I'm going to meet Layla for a Mother's Day weekend in New York. When she first suggested we rendezvous I was all like...r u kidding? I have Too much to do. But then of course I said yes. Life gets one day shorter every day. 

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Beatles Trump All
blog Shelly Peiken blog Shelly Peiken

Beatles Trump All

In my mind, the collision of these 4 particular human beings is to music, what the big bang theory was to the configuration of the Universe. Unlikely. And although there are bands and artists I can't imagine having grown up without—The Eagles, Pretenders, Stevie (both of them), Elton, (omg, Elton!), even, forgive me, Prince...in the end, for me, nothing will ever compare.

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blog Shelly Peiken blog Shelly Peiken


When your work is in a creative field it’s hard to keep going back to the water to cast yet another line when it seems like forever since you caught a fish. But you know what? Just sitting in that boat gently rocking back and forth and waiting…that’s a thing…an experience. You might write your best song while you’re waiting for that g-d damn fish.

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The Year of Losing Things
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The Year of Losing Things

You may say this wasn’t my fault. But it was. I was constantly fidgeting with that stone and I recently I noticed that it was... well loose. When I tapped it, it made a little clicking sound. Not a good sign. I knew I had to have it fixed. What was I waiting for? 

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blog Shelly Peiken blog Shelly Peiken


I am Meg Ryan in that famous scene from When Harry Met Sally where she’s slapping the table, faking a you-know-what, and shouting, “Yes! Yes!” And a diner at another table remarks in envy, “I’ll have what she’s having.”

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Does Ed Sheeran have Cryptomnesia?
blog Shelly Peiken blog Shelly Peiken

Does Ed Sheeran have Cryptomnesia?

Cryptomnesia (or inadvertent plagiarism), occurs when a forgotten memory returns without it being recognized as such by the subject, who believes it is something new and original.

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