I’m so spaced out from screens. And then more screens. The reality is everything I do involves one. Writing song lyrics, writing my book, checking my shopping list, my sister's cell number. I have to use them. I require many different screens. I’m repeating myself. I know. It’s all the screens.
Within one screen I go from one tab to another. And then I need a password. But I can’t remember what that password is. So I go to the tab where my passwords are but then I forget what I needed it for. I KNOW you KNOW what I’m talking about.
Seriously, I wonder what all this screen toggling is doing to my brain and what the effects are going to be in the future. It’s already taking it’s toll. I’m so spaced out that I tried to insert a bottle of nail polish into my car ignition. (Same shape…sorta). I also tried to use my remote car key to unlock the front door of my house. I swear to you I was standing on my porch pushing the open button on the remote wondering what the f*ck was wrong with my front door. I know it’s funny. But it’s NOT funny.
I know what will help. I need to keep a pair of reading glasses in every room by every screen. I need to lay down every few hours and close my eyes and stare at the inside of my lids. I need to delegate tasks.
The other day I saw an ad (on the TV screen) for a new kind of tablet. And you know what the screen on the tablet does? It splits in 2 so you can work on 2 things at once. Multitasking while you’re multitasking. Perfect. And then there’s that split screen flatscreen TV …so that you and your hubby can watch 2 different programs from the same bed. I’m not sure what effect that will have on relationships. Maybe less fighting about…should we watch football or figure skating… Mission Impossible or Nurse Jackie. You can hold hands and be in 2 different head spaces. Modern Love.
I know all this technology makes us more efficient and able to get things done in a lot less time than it used to. I’m not complaining. Honestly, I couldn’t live or work without all my gadgets. And screens. I’m just dizzy. That’s all. And I just needed to vent.