
I didn't want to go to that session. Serial-blind-song-dating is not what it used to be. Sometimes I feel like just another mouse in a maze.
Plus, the Generation Gap is getting to me. I admit it. Who were these guys I was booked to write with any way? 2 more mice? I could pretty much bet they were 20 years younger than me. At least. What will we even talk about over coffee? If they even drink coffee. Maybe I should stop at 7-Eleven and pick up some chocolate milk.
Plus, I know what’s going to happen. They’ll press play and I’ll be sitting there trying to write inspired words to a prefabricated track. Yawn. I want to stay home. My kitchen cabinets could use some wiping down.
But I’m a professional. I don’t cancel the morning of. (Even though it crossed my mind). And in my car on the way the studio? I played that game with my head: I said to myself... ‘Watch. After all your hemming and hawing, you'll write something special. And that will teach you to have such jaded thoughts’. To which I replied,… ‘Oh girl. Don't you be trying to trick yourself into the juju’.
And that other game: That great idea you’ve had in your arsenal for weeks? Save it for the session where there will be another topliner/singer in the house. Because you’ll write the song faster. You’ll go straight to demo and it will sound like a real artist. Possibly better than an artist. Instant Gratification. No homework.
But when I got to the session, my conscience got the better of me. I’m happy to say it usually does. It said: How would you feel if somebody did that to you? But more importantly, if there’s one thing I keep relearning over and over again, one must use the idea that has the The Chi. The one that's Of The Moment. Because Next week? It may not be so Of The Moment any more. Plus, you know if you go with that B-list concept, it will never flourish. You’d be practicing Uncool Songwriting Etiquette and that makes for Unfavorable Songwriting Karma. :(
So there you have it. I put forth that idea I was sequestering. And you know what happened? Those young guys? They played instruments!! One had an actual guitar and the other had a keyboard. This meant I wouldn’t have to be beating off to a prefab track. They didn’t have words…but they were a good judge of mine.They rolled up their imaginary sleeves when we were stuck and didn’t give up. Or settle for good enough. All 6 of our eyes bugged at the same time, when we stumbled on our hook. We were all on the same page. Generation Gap and all. Go figure.
When I left the studio it occurred to me thismight be the best song I’ve written all year. To be sure, I gave it the morning after test and it passed with flying colors.
I’m not telling you all this to be braggadocios or because it makes for good blog. I’m telling you because I need to remind myself…now more then ever. If you want to stay in the game you have to go forth with a good work ethic and an open heart. For every new song that flies there’s one that falls flat. There are plenty of sessions I’m jonesing to go to and I wind up writing a piece of dreck. For whatever reason. I'm not on my game.The stars aren’t aligned. You JUST never know. But If you love 1 out of every 5 songs as much as I love this one, honestly, I'd say it's worth it.