Yesterday: A World Without The Beatles
The Beatles are the ultimate common thread — the timeless hub around which all music lovers revolve. We can disagree about politics, cuisine and couture but I think we all see eye to eye when it comes to the Beatles.

Love It If We Made It
I’ve heard it said that there’s no good music out there. Not true. You gotta dig deeper than the mainstream. Or maybe some of us grew up and got happy — no longer depend on music to identify or save us. Fair enough. Thing is if you want it, there is music out there that’s saving people. It saves me sometimes. Actually it saves me quite often.

SongSex Gone Wrong
Every co-write is a like a blind date. You were psyched about that session. You had this killer idea—at least you thought so—one that made your heart beat faster. Sadly, it just didn’t have the same effect on your co-writer. So what do you do?

Aloha and Mahalo-Songwriting in Hawaii with Kenny Loggins!
Kenny remarked, “ya know...luck smells a lot like sweat.” Even if he managed to be in the right place at the right time over and over I think we can agree that he backed it up with the right stuff. No one should ever feel guilty if they get lucky. Maybe luck is something the Universe rewards us with when we’ve done the hard work and believe in ourselves.

Teachable Songwriting
For a successful destiny, one has to have the fire in their belly—which is usually recognized at a young age—and the desire to communicate within a 3.5 minute boundary. If these parameters are already in place then maybe one can learn to get better.

I Only Have Eyes For You
This Valentines day, let a secret crush into song. It’s good for your creative health.

The Fog Before The SOnGQuAkE
A new song can come on like an geological awakening after a long absence of a muse. You’re not alone.

Speed Songwriting, Writer's Block and Short Cuts
I started this blog and then couldn’t finish cuz I was glued to the news. I THINK it was real news. Some of us aren’t sure of what’s real and what’s fake anymore. Facebook friends have urged me to keep doing what I’m doing. No matter what. So…with that…Sometimes I’m asked how long it takes to write a great song.

Writing Up
One of the participants at SongStudio asked what it would take for her to get in a room with me. I explained that we all have to work with writers of our own level and one day, something will happen out of the blue…an A&R might give her a favorable recommendation or a hit writer might love a song she wrote and voila, she’ll get her session with a more experienced songsmith. And she'll be Writing Up!

When your work is in a creative field it’s hard to keep going back to the water to cast yet another line when it seems like forever since you caught a fish. But you know what? Just sitting in that boat gently rocking back and forth and waiting…that’s a thing…an experience. You might write your best song while you’re waiting for that g-d damn fish.

Help! I Need Somebody, Help!
I believe great songwriters are born with some kind of songwriting DNA. But with hard work and guidance even those who weren’t given an ample dose at birth, can nurture what they were given and improve. Even go Pro.

Life Lessons Revisited
College wasn’t perfect. I had my share of broken hearts, C-minuses, zits. But all in all it was a rich, eye-opening experience and although I didn’t wind up pursuing a career in the area of my study, it readied me in many important ways for the world.

Back To School
The students I’ve been with this week have been open, curious, reasonable and interested. Most of all, they want a future in the music business!

Write Anyway
If writing is the way we discover ourselves then to stop would be the end of beautiful relationship.

Is My Demo Good Enough?
I anticipate the comments from writers whose songs made it passed the finish line via a voice memo. Yup. I had a few of those too. Not any more.

Songwriter Therapy
I guess I’m just enjoying taking stock and remembering what matters to me—brushing up on and what I once knew so well. Because as soon as you think u know it all, you know nothing.

To College or Not To College
College isn't for everyone. But if you're someone who's on the edge because you're in a hurry to get in the room with Rihanna, I suggest thinking twice.