Tinnitus 😳
blog Shelly Peiken blog Shelly Peiken

Tinnitus 😳

I come to you today with a mystery malady. I wasn’t gonna mention it but I changed my mind because when you share mystery maladies, especially an ear-related one on a forum where there are a lot of sound-centric creators, we may get some clarity. So here goes…

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24 Spots
blog Shelly Peiken blog Shelly Peiken

24 Spots

SONA’s very first (and very successful) songwriting day-camp grouped 24 (mainly) up-and-coming songwriters in 3-way collaborations. Next time, we may pair new-school writers with old school writers which makes sense to me because the current approach in songwriting incorporates more wordplay but often lacks a solid concept. Whereas seasoned writers come with solid concepts that could use more wordplay — consistent with current pop trends. I’m down for next time. 

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Splits Before Hits
blog Shelly Peiken blog Shelly Peiken

Splits Before Hits

How do you measure a contribution — a catchy title vs. an entire first and second verse? What if Jack writes 90% of the lyric on the hook but the room was stuck on the pay-off line until Will spouted it in one fell swoop after being verbally MIA the whole session? Suddenly the whole song comes to life. Is there some objective scale on which to weigh a song? Let’s discuss.

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