I’ve Been Thinking About Taylor
blog Shelly Peiken blog Shelly Peiken

I’ve Been Thinking About Taylor

My family has sat around many-a-dinner-table with friends of all ages deliberating Ms. Swift. Her sharp marketing calculations. Her social media game. Her ticket sales. Whether she’s as big as the Beatles? (No!) Was it mean to invite Sabrina Carpenter to open for her after the Olivia Rodrigo debacle? Her ability to put her finger on the heartbeat of the young woman experience. Love her, hate her or ambivalent, one can’t argue that she’s a cultural icon who has the power to influence the course of the country. ❤️

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Trust Anyway
blog Shelly Peiken blog Shelly Peiken

Trust Anyway

Last Tuesday morning I FaceTime’d with my daughter Layla and told her I’ve been thinking a lot about faith. She, in an effort to comfort me, said the definition of faith is “trust anyway.” I wrote it down on a Post-it. That would be my mantra throughout a very busy day. No matter how it turned out.

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blog Shelly Peiken blog Shelly Peiken


For 4 years I didn’t have a President. He said as much. Don’t we all deserve a President even if it’s one we didn’t vote for? I remember all the social media posts after the 2016 election urging everyone to “let the healing begin.” But how can healing begin with a leader who doesn’t promote healing? Now we have one. If we want one. I’m not holding my breath but maybe, just maybe, if we can make it until Jan 20th, there is hope. 

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