Nothing Compared 2 U
If we’re of the age that somebody’s music was the backdrop to our youth, and the one who created it moves on, it's as if our youth gets a little farther away.

Farewell CD
There was just something a bit more tangible about handing someone something that wasn’t invisible…something they could touch…that took up space.

Dear Songwriters....
Our industry is a hot mess. Everyone’s trying to hold onto what’s slipping out of their control in this (still rather new) digital terrain.

Wilson (No) Phillips....(from "Confessions of a Serial Songwriter")
From every songwriting session that you enter, hopefully you give something away and take something with you when you leave.

What If Your Favorite Song Didn't Exist?
Those who go into the business with fortune or fame as their goal will never write a song as good as those who do it for Love.

If you’re ever inclined to take a leap toward a literary endeavor I wish you a fast computer with the latest operating system and a healthy hard drive, note taking Apps on all gadgets in all rooms (and cars and gym lockers), patient families, a partner who knows you well enough to remind you when you’re misremembering, and friends who don’t doubt you. You’re going to need them.

Glass Half Full, Please
You never know when or where you’ll find your luck. Luck has more of a chance when we believe it does. It’s as simple as that. Our attitudes are more powerful than we know.

Grammys 2016
Taylor. So happy for. Nobody could take it away. No Kanye in sight. You remind us that we are women hear us roar! But Taylor, how about the 10 male producers standing behind you? Where was the vagina? The Linda Perry? The Eve Nelson? Why all the testosterone?

On Grammy Eve: Sending David Bassett Ex's & Oh's
In an industry filled with egos and players and sound-alike chasers he never lost the plot!

Is MusicAnswers The Answer?
I want songwriting (and yes—composing, performing and producing) to continue to be a legitimate occupation in which good people who work hard can at least make a living.

The Beatles
I don’t think I was ever as happy listening to music as when I was listening to The Beatles.

Songwriter Mom
Being a parent and a songwriter are not mutually exclusive. But for me, the balance always tips a certain way.

Breaking Up Is Hard To Do
I was lucky to live in a time when all there was, was a landline. That saved us all a lot of pain.

New Years Revelations
I’ve beaten myself up over regrettable missed opportunities. But the culmination of every curious choice I’ve made thus far in my life lead me to the place I am. And I’m happy here.

Ball of Confusion
Songs about coming together and living in peace are everywhere at Christmas time. Where are they the rest of the year?