Back To School
The students I’ve been with this week have been open, curious, reasonable and interested. Most of all, they want a future in the music business!

H-O-L-D: The Forgotten 4 Letter Word
Songs got put on and taken off of H-O-L-D all the time. No one was immune. No matter your status. Even if you won a Grammy. Soon it would just roll of your shoulder. You’d dust yourself off and write another song.

Hey There Delilah (And MoZella)
Shortly after MoZella, Jude and I were pressured into removing a proper name from the title of a song we wrote for MoZella's record, Plain White T's had a GINORMOUS hit with "Hey There Delilah."

Goodbye Again
Last year when I returned home to an empty nest, it was a very busy time for me. I was furiously crossing the T’s and dotting the I’s of Confessions of a Serial Songwriter. There was no time to think about 'Now What?'

I Saw The Light
My fantasy of a photo op with Todd didn't come to fruition but I DID get to hear "I Saw The Light" hard copy after all these years of listening through speakers.

Broken Record
The perception of free is a dangerous drug and the longer we believe it’s okay to use it the harder it will be to get sober.

Elusive Butterflies
A creative mind never punches out. It’s always working. And that’s probably a good thing. As long as we're prepared to catch a butterfly.

Write Anyway
If writing is the way we discover ourselves then to stop would be the end of beautiful relationship.

Where is the "Justice" in the DoJ?
“I can't help wondering if this may be the moment for the songwriting community to try to make a stand as a united front.”

Greetings From Nashville
"Concept is everything…some writers write themselves into a circle and wait for the main idea. Sometimes they get lucky. But if you have the concept right from the start the songs write themselves.”

Many artists sing about their incongruities, their longings, their insecurities. But what she said and how she said it resonated with the girl I was. She gave me my palette.

Father's Day 2016—Since You've Been Gone
As much as I wish you were still here I take comfort in knowing you escaped some very painful times. At least that's what I tell myself when I want to feel better about missing you so much.

Trading Places
What if, just for a few songs, Topliners took the bottom and the Producers got on top—so we could better appreciate each others’ function?

We get so caught up in our work and then suddenly something happens that makes us take stock.... "Suddenly" from my new memoir...

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to The Airport....
The streaming revolution has been a gift to users. We can access as much music as we want, whenever and wherever we want it. For ten bucks. And, we can put our selection back on a shelf and opt for something else if for any reason we aren’t satisfied. That’s a pretty good deal. One would think that for an all-you-can-eat buffet, the value of music would have risen, not declined.

Songwriting Camps
A few months ago, my esteemed colleague, producer/songwriter Greg Wells, who hosts a yearly event at a castle in Bordeaux, invited me to France.

My Favorite Gift
The best gifts are truly the ones that don’t come from the mall. Or cost money. Or arrive on a holiday.