Song Critique. Do You Really Want One?
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Song Critique. Do You Really Want One?

Constructive feedback is invaluable when trying to measure the strengths and weaknesses of our work. But be careful what you wish for because if you’re looking for reinforcement and accolades only, you may be disappointed. 

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Small Fish
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Small Fish

It’s a whole new world out there with algorithms, analytics, gamification and secret weapons like Spotify Release Radar! I’m as novice as any H.S. sophomore uploading her first precious song to SoundCloud. In making my first album I am indeed a Small Fish.

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Her Name Was Xtina
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Her Name Was Xtina

January 1, 2020 marked the 20th anniversary of “What A Girl Wants” becoming the first No.1 song of the century. Quite a thrill for a songwriter. I thought this would be an opportune time to share with you the story of how the song came to be. Ready?

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Beware the Buyout!
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Beware the Buyout!

I’m sure you’ve all heard rumblings of an uptick in something called “direct licensing” or “buyouts” where a composer is paid a one-time (upfront) fee by a television streaming service or production company for all rights to their work.

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Holiday Parties: Tips for Surviving The Season🎄🎅
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Holiday Parties: Tips for Surviving The Season🎄🎅

If you’re anything like me after about 5 celebrations I start experiencing “holiday-party-fatigue.” And then I start considering skipping one — staying home and binging on Mrs. Maisel. But people…Mrs. Maisel can wait. I’m going to share with you some secrets to maintaining stamina while enjoying yourself so you can make it over to the other side: 2020. Ready?

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Tapestry: Let's Discuss
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Tapestry: Let's Discuss

My daughter Layla knows the words to every song on Tapestry and says things like “Carole King seems so free when she sings.” Layla’s friend Holly, upon seeing a recent picture of Carole and I on Facebook, texted me this: 

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This Thanksgiving
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This Thanksgiving

In yoga class when we lay in Shavasana (final resting pose), the instructor will often suggest we thank ourselves for “coming to our mat” that day. Thanking myself for coming to my mat used to confuse me but it doesn’t any more. It’s called self-care.

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The B Word
kristin juel kristin juel

The B Word

Massachusetts Democrat Daniel Hunt has introduced legislation that would outlaw the word “Bitch.” If passed it would be illegal to directly annoy, degrade or demean another person by calling them one.  My first thought is, Are you kidding me? Doesn’t he know we have bigger things to worry about: LA burning, the world-is-flat movement, flavored vaping? 

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Dear Brandy
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Dear Brandy

When “Almost Doesn’t Count” was climbing the charts in 1998, I was at Burke Williams treating myself to some pampering on my birthday. I walked out of the shower, wrapped myself in a towel, and there you were — emerging from the shower next to mine. Of course, you may not remember this, but I do!

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Truth Hurts
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Truth Hurts

"Truth Hurts" came under fire recently when a British singer claimed that Lizzo lifted the first attention grabbing line from one of her tweets. But times have changed. It’s a bold new viral world out there. So is a tweet copyrightable?

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Sample Me
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Sample Me

Generally when a song of mine is sampled (or licensed for advertising) I want to make sure it doesn’t taint the integrity of the copyright by incorporating (or associating it with) something vulgar or offensive. Other than that I’m pretty open to giving it the thumbs up. In fact a while back my co-writer’s publisher turned down a use for “What a Girl Wants” in a Tampon ad. Truth be told I wouldn’t have had a problem with that. After all, what more could a girl want than a tampon when she needs one? It’s only natural. 🙂

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Queen For A Day
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Queen For A Day

There’s nothing not to like about Billie Eilish’s album. It’s tasty. Sonically pleasing. Interesting. But while recognition is deserved for breaking records, high sales, sold our shows and crying blood I can’t help but wonder if an artist’s accomplishments are more outstanding — judged more favorably just because the artist is…young.

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Weekend With My Wifey
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Weekend With My Wifey

My husband Adam annointed Suzan Koc “my Wife” a number of years ago when I had asked him to choose between this dress or that one or something like that. Actually I think I wanted to know if my butt looked flat in a pair of jeans. He told me his opinion. And then I questioned it. So he said…”Why don’t you ask your wife.” I knew exactly who he meant.

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Songwriters: Where Are You?
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Songwriters: Where Are You?

Nobody stays on top forever. That’s why they call it “15 Minutes.” And when your shelf-life has diminished you might wish you did something about the future of your bank account back when you had the chance to change the system. So when the younger gens have taken over you’ll have savings. And you can stay in your house. Perhaps even buy another.

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Musings on The Muse
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Musings on The Muse

A Muse is a medium we seek to connect with. But she’s hardest to beckon when you need her the most. And if she finally pays a visit you can’t put your hands on her or your arms around her. You’d be foolish to beg her to stay.

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Abbey Road Revisited
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Abbey Road Revisited

If you’re an uber Beatles fan like moi, having a peek inside Abbey Road has got to be on your bucket list. And feasting your eyes on "Studio Two" where their most iconic songs were recorded would be the cherry on top. Right? Well, sometimes luck is on your side.

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Rotten To The Core Strikes Again!  💟
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Rotten To The Core Strikes Again! 💟

In a culture where songs are here today gone tomorrow, a songwriter has come to appreciate (more accurately cherish) a lasting copyright, or as we call them, “evergreen songs,” — ones that seem to keep regenerating and replenishing themselves. This is one of those moments.

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