Splits Before Hits
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Splits Before Hits

How do you measure a contribution — a catchy title vs. an entire first and second verse? What if Jack writes 90% of the lyric on the hook but the room was stuck on the pay-off line until Will spouted it in one fell swoop after being verbally MIA the whole session? Suddenly the whole song comes to life. Is there some objective scale on which to weigh a song? Let’s discuss.

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Dark Horse vs Joyful Noise
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Dark Horse vs Joyful Noise

Recently I was asked to consider signing an Amicus brief in support of the “Dark Horse” position in an infringement suit filed by the writers of Flame’s “Joyful Noise.” Newsflash, if it were your song in the test tube you may not want me on the jury. I tend to hear similarities my colleagues don’t. That said I’m concerned that the onslaught of lawsuits of late are threatening the creativity of my community. Still, I want to be thoughtful about each individual case. So let’s take a deeper dive.

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“I don’t write because I think I have something to say. I write because if I don’t, everything feels even worse.” — (Lily King — “Writers & Lovers”) I’m thankful to have a passion for a process that can usher me through the gamut of ‘lifely’ emotions. Life just wouldn’t be the same if I couldn’t write my way though it.

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For 4 years I didn’t have a President. He said as much. Don’t we all deserve a President even if it’s one we didn’t vote for? I remember all the social media posts after the 2016 election urging everyone to “let the healing begin.” But how can healing begin with a leader who doesn’t promote healing? Now we have one. If we want one. I’m not holding my breath but maybe, just maybe, if we can make it until Jan 20th, there is hope. 

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Almost Doesn’t Count
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Almost Doesn’t Count

I’m eternally grateful to Suzan Koc for pitching the track to Atlantic Records’ Craig Kallman in 1997 when it had nothing to do with the purpose of their meeting. 😳 That’s what a song publisher was all about back then. Turns out “Almost Doesn’t Count”’ actually counted…a lot. And looking back I can honestly say, I’m glad that idiot broke my heart.

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Everything Is Material
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Everything Is Material

I woke up totally devoid of my plot. Couldn’t write a note or a word. But an invasion of house-flies gave me purpose. It’s no wonder we lose the plot once in a while. Especially at the 7-month mark of isolation in our respective bubbles...yearning for some OPB (Other People’s Bubbles) and the state of our Democracy is in peril and not everybody believes that Black Lives Matter and we’re throwing water on our roofs in California.

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I Wouldn’t Want It Any Other Way
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I Wouldn’t Want It Any Other Way

What do you do when the industry shuts down for the summer and you had your heart set on filming a video to support the release of your latest single, “Bitch 2.0”? You cry. And then you call your friends and ask for HELP!

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Up On The Roof
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Up On The Roof

My eyes were drawn to Jessica Childress in a yellow dress with a matching face-mask. You can’t miss her. She was looking like the Statue of Liberty to me. And I thought, 'how hopeful: a woman and artist-of-color standing strong it this pivotal moment in the history of our country.’ There’s so much more going on than Covid 19.

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Wet And Gushy
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Wet And Gushy

I offered up some lyrics last week in a co-write. My collaborator asked if I’d dirty them up a bit. (I didn’t disagree. I can be a little vanilla sometimes.) He suggested I reference “WAP” (Aka “Wet Ass P***y”), Cardi B’s new single which debuted at #1 on the Billboard Hot 100 and broke the record for the largest opening streaming week in US history. I just wasn't sure I was that girl for the job.

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To Lighten Your Heart
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To Lighten Your Heart

I was thinking of putting my blog on pause for a while —thought maybe I’ve been bombarding you with too much Life According to Me. But then I received several random emails from lovely ppl telling me how much they enjoy it. So…I’m back. And I never even left. 🤭 I thought I’d share a few things that happened this week that in retrospect make me smile. I hope they do the same for you. 🌺

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Follow the YOLO Brick Road
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Follow the YOLO Brick Road

YOLO = You Only live Once. I highly recommend that any career songwriter carve out some time to make their own record. Cut your hits. Your never-been-heards. They’re your babies. Your life. What will you leave behind?

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“I Hate The World Today” 🎸🎶
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“I Hate The World Today” 🎸🎶

I think of “Bitch” as the love-child conceived by 2 mothers who were complicated in the same way. Meredith Brooks and I knew that other women were complicated too. People of all genders for that matter. This song is their megaphone. Without further ado I give you "B**** 2.0." If you loved it the first time, I’m hoping you’ll love it again. 🎸

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Post Covid Predictions
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Post Covid Predictions

People who swore they were in love will break up. People who were breaking up will re-fall madly in love. Lots of babies gonna be born in December through the 9-month mark from the end of stay-at-home. Someone out there will name their kid “Covid.” 🙄Read on for more...

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Taylor’s New Album
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Taylor’s New Album

Taylor conjures language that beelines for (and captures) hearts and minds…language that taps into the coulda-beens, the lost summers, the unexplained good-byes, the incurable romantic, the insecurity, obsession, desperation and hope of young love. And for those who aren’t so young any more but remember ‘it’ all too well, she speaks to us too — to our inner 20-year-old with whom we get into bed at night and still wonder about the one that got away.

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Virtual SongSex
blog Shelly Peiken blog Shelly Peiken

Virtual SongSex

All in all, I think that “order” is necessary when co-writing virtually. I like order on my bedside table and inside my refrigerator. But for me writing is messy and spontaneous and disorderly. This will take some getting used to.

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It’s Ok Not To Be Ok
blog Shelly Peiken blog Shelly Peiken

It’s Ok Not To Be Ok

It’s Ok not to be Ok. Jessie J blurted out those words on the day we wrote “Who You Are.” Truth be told, I wasn’t sure about that line. But now, I’m glad she said it. Because I need it. A lot of us are not Ok. And it’s become a mantra.

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When we write things down we’re more invested in them compared to when we record a digital voice memo. Napkins (and receipts and the like) are physical. They have energy. We find them the next day in the bottom of purses and pockets. The words become lyrics. Lyrics become songs. Songs have lives of their own. Some die a quick death. Some live long and prosper. Today, I give you “Human” 2.0, a song I started on a napkin in a ladies room; made famous by The Pretenders 20 years ago.

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Takin’ It To The Streets
blog Shelly Peiken blog Shelly Peiken

Takin’ It To The Streets

My colleague (and “wifey”) Suzan Koc and I were enjoying our weekly float-in-my-pool catch-ups — talking about how musicians are dealing with venues being shut down. She said she was tired of livestreams and that the Italians had the right idea when they just went out onto their balconies and played. She said, “Shelly…you should go out on your front steps with a guitar and an Amp and just sing. Don’t even promote it. Don’t do it for likes. Give back to the people who’ve been watching you through a screen all these months. They deserve live music. Real live music.”

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