Both Sides Now
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Both Sides Now

When Joni sings “Both Sides Now’ at 78 people might try to help her remember the lyrics but Joni doesn’t need help. If you sing a song 10,000 times, even if you lose your mind (which Joni hasn’t), you remember the song. The words just come. Muscle memory. Her voice an octave lower. Her tone, vintage. It might seem like she’s going to forget. But the woman is simply taking her time. 

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Catching Up With Haywood
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Catching Up With Haywood

I am in AWE of Leah…I mean Haywood. She’s always had/still has it all. Lungs, writing AND production chops. I never had it all. I could never make a record without help. Aside from one track on “Pressure On My Heart” she wrote and produced the entire album on her own — A local sister truly doing it all by herself.

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Diamond Girl
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Diamond Girl

“Diamond Girl” takes me back to a time I imagined I could BE the diamond girl Seals & Crofts were singing about. That’s what songs are supposed to do. Make you feel like they’re about you. And when you learn that the creator of the song is gone, they take a piece of you with them. But thing is…the song remains. It never goes away. I’m sitting in my yard listening to “Diamond Girl” right now. I’ve entered an emotional time machine. “It’s about you that I am.”

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Let’s Talk About Songwriting
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Let’s Talk About Songwriting

You can never capture a feeling as clearly as you can in the moment you’re having it. So write it down ASAP. Or really SOON! Feelings and memories get clouded in the fog of time. And clouded by how we keep re-telling a story to ourselves. (But those are songs too.) (All of them.)

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24 Spots
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24 Spots

SONA’s very first (and very successful) songwriting day-camp grouped 24 (mainly) up-and-coming songwriters in 3-way collaborations. Next time, we may pair new-school writers with old school writers which makes sense to me because the current approach in songwriting incorporates more wordplay but often lacks a solid concept. Whereas seasoned writers come with solid concepts that could use more wordplay — consistent with current pop trends. I’m down for next time. 

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I Was Working as a Waitress in a Cocktail Bar
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I Was Working as a Waitress in a Cocktail Bar

This is Kelly and I. We were waitresses together in the 80s. I loved being a waitress. I was the leading actress on a stage all the time. If you were seated in my section you were at my mercy. I had the power.

Everyone who worked in that lounge had stars in their eyes. Big dreams about getting discovered, signed to a record label, writing a hit song, dancing on Broadway. We supported each others’ endeavors by going to each other’s gigs. One day, Kelly and I ventured out to see one of the busboys in a play and a funny thing happened….

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Warriors and Angels
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Warriors and Angels

Please allow me to take time out from my regularly scheduled column to make sure you know about the 2022 SONA Warrior Awards. In a time when we all understandably have a severe case of virtual fatigue (myself included), this is one event you don’t want to miss.

💪🏻💪💪🏿💪🏾💪🏼💪🏽 😇

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Dear Mandy Moore…
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Dear Mandy Moore…

Dear Mandy, Back when we met way before THIS IS US, I wrote a song for you called “17.” You came to record vocals. You were so young. Sweet. Starry eyed. Baby skinned. But it was your performance on “I Wanna Be With You,” a lyric I wrote to a melody Keith Thomas sent me for the movie CENTER STAGE, that clinched my crush on you.

I followed you though all 6 seasons of THIS IS US but now that it’s over I miss you, Mandy. I miss THIS IS US. I think I’m going through withdrawal! 🥹 🥹

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25 Years Later
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25 Years Later

For me “Bitch” was a term of endearment for all the complicated and lovable hypocrisies women present. At the time of conception Meredith and I were both going through some kind of metamorphosis unbeknownst to each other and when we got in the same room all those feelings exploded. That’s my favorite kind of Songsex: Confessional. Organic. Un-calculated. 

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Say You’re Sorry
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Say You’re Sorry

Seems like there’s no shortage of “National Something Days.” So I’d like to nominate “National Say You’re Sorry Day” — when you wake up and apologize to someone for something you did that wasn’t right. It’s a challenging, mixed-up, polarized, uncertain world out there. Perhaps a day to celebrate forgiveness — dole it out and receive it — isn’t such a bad idea. Maybe it won’t save humanity but it’ll make someone feel … for lack of a better word … seen.

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TikTok… Boom!
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TikTok… Boom!

Two things have been on my mind: TikTok and Tick, Tick…Boom! Loved Tick, Tick Boom! and Jazmine Sullivan’s cover of “Come To Your Senses.” TikTok is a different story. 3 of my friends told me recently that I should “get on” it. That I’d be so “good at it.” What exactly is “good at it?” 😳

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American Song Contest
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American Song Contest

I’m a song junkie — a sucker for smart memorable ear candy. And this show has ‘em. It’s nice to know those kinds of songs are still being written. But could Tracey Chapman have survived this business model?

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I See You, Mom
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I See You, Mom

I can’t help but wonder especially with Mother’s Day approaching, do we really see our mothers for all they are? Do they give us passes for not getting to know them better because after all, they are (and always will be) the grown-ups in the room — wanting us to live our lives to the fullest and not be so concerned with theirs? At least that’s the way my Mom was. 

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Saturday In The Park
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Saturday In The Park

I never got over leaving NY. I wasn’t any less in love with her when I left than when I came. So again I ask you — do we manifest our destinies? No need to answer.

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My Take On “Levitating”
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My Take On “Levitating”

Songwriters COULD make an effort to be more original. But can you blame us? Algorithms, which determine what DSPs stream, are basically forcing a creative community to write familiar sounding fodder. It’s a shame. But it’s true. 

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Hotel Cafe
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Hotel Cafe

Hotel Cafe is packed. If I don’t get Covid tonight I’m immune! Good for songwriters. Good for Hotel Cafe. Good for the music business that so many ppl came. I’m happy to be here but definitely feel some personal-space anxiety. Deal with it, Shelly. It’s gonna take a minute. I need to get back to the land of the living.

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Catching Up With Kasim
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Catching Up With Kasim

My friend Kasim Sulton (bass player with with Todd Rundgren for the past 45 years) was one of the many touring musicians whose livelihood was disrupted due of the paralyzing forces of the pandemic. That didn’t stop him from releasing an album, launching a radio show and starting a podcast. But now that Covid protocol seems to be in retreat, he’s back to his happiest place — on stage with Kasim Sulton’s Utopia. He and I took a moment to talk about where he’s at. Literally and figuratively. Oh and…here’s to musicians getting back to work!!


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Still Co-Writing After All These Years
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Still Co-Writing After All These Years

When I started out I was 20. Everyone else was 20. We liked to write about the same 20-something things. Now, I don’t blame anyone for being 20. It was great! It’s just that I have a wider palette now.  

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Catching Up With Curtis
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Catching Up With Curtis

I met a 25-year-old Curtis Stigers in 1991 when Clive Davis selected a song I wrote with Gregg Sutton for Curtis’ debut record. Then all 3 of us wrote “You’re All That Matters To Me” which Curtis JUST re-recorded for a new album dropping this week. How on earth does someone stay in the game for so long? Creativity lives loudest in those who never stop envisioning what’s next. 💯💪🔥

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Hello It’s Me
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Hello It’s Me

Didn’t we all have that guy or that girl or that they in our lives? Someone who was more than a friend but not quite a lover? Or a sometimes lover but not quite a “love”? Or a MAD love who didn’t feel the same about you? They fill some hole. Maybe you sleep together. Maybe you don’t but you want to. You did but don’t anymore. Only Todd knows for sure. But it doesn’t matter what Todd’s inspiration was. What matters is what the song conjures up for US! 😳

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