I’m so spaced out from screens. And then more screens. The reality is everything I do involves one. Writing song lyrics, writing my book, checking my shopping list, social media. I have to use them. I require many different screens. I’m repeating myself. I know. It’s all the screens.

Songwriter Moms And Dads
A few years ago when my budding teenager and I were going through severe turbulence I’d lock myself in the bathroom to calm myself down before I shouted something I might regret. You may be wondering what this has to do with the music business. Stay with me....

Doubling Up
Last summer I went to London on a writing trip. I was scheduled to work with an Aspiring Artist, (AA) and a Hot Young Programmer, (HYP). I was sent a link in advance to a couple of AA’s videos but she had me at hello. I didn't even get completely passed the first one. She was special. I was in.

Standing On The Edge
There I was on the massage table face down. A place where thoughts and facts have no gravity… where ideas float in and out of consideration... Unable to be fully grasped.