Takin’ It To The Streets
My colleague (and “wifey”) Suzan Koc and I were enjoying our weekly float-in-my-pool catch-ups — talking about how musicians are dealing with venues being shut down. She said she was tired of livestreams and that the Italians had the right idea when they just went out onto their balconies and played. She said, “Shelly…you should go out on your front steps with a guitar and an Amp and just sing. Don’t even promote it. Don’t do it for likes. Give back to the people who’ve been watching you through a screen all these months. They deserve live music. Real live music.”

Mentoring Matters
I imagine I’ll have a lot in common with my mentee. See I’ve been a beginner, I’ve wondered where my first break would come from, I’ve faced rejection (still do daily), failure (constantly). I’ve gotten lost in crowds and found refuge in ladies room stalls where I could catch my breath and remember who I am: a dreamer who believes in herself.
My Privileged View
I’ve been doing some suggested reading and Doc. watching assigned to me by friends. It’s making me feel very uncomfortable. I hear that’s good a thing…

Laurel Canyon
Every so often I’ll fire up Sonos and tap on Four Way Street and I’m at Woodstock, especially if I just had a hit of a joint. It doesn’t matter that I wasn’t actually there. Joni, who penned “Woodstock,” the quintessential masterpiece ABOUT the festival, wasn’t there either. She was a vessel. She was stardust. She was golden. She channeled a movement. Everything they were writing was a reflection of whatever was going on sociopolitically at the time. That’s what it was about.

Music Industry Black Out Tuesday — Due to recent events The Music Industry is taking an urgent step of action to provoke accountability and change. As gatekeepers of the culture, it's our responsibility to come together to celebrate the wins but also hold each other up during a loss. Please join us on Tuesday June 2 as a day to disconnect from work and reconnect with our community.

Follow That Song
About 2 years ago I was stirring some tomato sauce on a Sunday night, listening to the radio (yes, radio!) and on came a song that made me put down that spoon and pay attention. Not long after that I was in the studio with the guy who sang that song and he was playing on my album! Good things happen when you seek out what you love. Even if you don’t realize you’re doing it!

Slow Down The World
I muse these thoughts as I drive south on La Cienega Blvd. in the middle of the afternoon with absolutely no traffic on my way to a doctor’s appointment where there will be nobody in the waiting room. When I left my house I realized how odd it was to well, leave my house! I rolled down the window and turned up Classic Hits: “Ain’t Wastin’ Time No More.”

Live Stream Fatigue
I enjoy performing on live streams — even though, forgive me, my Facebook feed is starting to look like a scrolling billboard. I don’t however, have the bandwidth to watch all the shows I’ve been invited to. Online events used to be sprinkled here and there for our viewing pleasure. But I’m tiring of the virtual venue. I want a change of scenery. The company of breathing humans. I want to throw on a leather jacket and go see a band in a bar!

It's All Right There, Don't Forget...
On May 1st I’ll be releasing my next single — “Notebook” — a song about a journal I started 22 years ago. The words sprung to life when Layla called me from a semester abroad and said she kept dreaming I was dying! 😟 I wanted to reassure her that I was more alive than ever but…when the day comes when I AM gone (hopefully not any time soon) she can flip through the pages and feel my love. When we got off the phone I picked up my guitar and got started.

6 Stages Of Isolation 😱😩🤪😞🙃😬
I’m not a scientist. But you know that! And I don’t know this for a fact (it’s JUST my opinion) but...I suspect that, just like the five stages of grief there are also (at least) five stages of coping with the emotional changes we’re going through right now because of social isolation and distancing. Furthermore, I believe we’re all more or less going through the stages together! Here’s why…
Who’s Zoomin Who
Suzan Koc, my long-time-work-wife, the ultimate song whisperer, teacher and mentor to hundreds — wanted to use this time to give back to creatively-starved songwriters who are feeling isolated from their community. Understandably, there are a multitude of virtual creative online offerings right now. Suzan's Zoom Songwriting Camp is one I can vouch for. She’ll make a more mindful songwriter out of anyone. She told me all about it over our virtual dinner.

Remaining Calm
Here I sit watching a sunset and an ocean that has no idea that Time Square is Empty. Yes, I’m ok but I’m not some asshole broadcasting from a yacht tone deaf to the majority of humanity living paycheck to paycheck and now they don’t even have a paycheck. I may enjoy my bubble but I’m not oblivious to what’s going on outside of it or to those who caught the damn virus or might still. Maybe me!

Songwriters Taking it Online
I do believe there will be silver linings to this hermetically sealed existence but until then, as a mother I’m beside myself being so far away from my daughter who’s in the city that’s been hit hardest. If I wanted to get to her I couldn’t. It’s unnerving. But as a songwriter I’m grateful that I can still work and try to keep my mind off the separation. That said this has been a game-changer for creativity too.

Music in the Age of Coronavirus
If you’re an artist who’s releasing music right now, I wouldn't be surprised if you've considered suspending your campaign — there are way more important things people are thinking about. But the thing is just maybe we need music more than ever.

George & John
Thankfully Paul & Ringo are still with us. But it’s the magical combination of Paul, John, George & Ringo together that’s left an indelible imprint on my DNA and a gash in my heart where they once existed as a whole. In honor of these feelings I returned to London to revisit and fine-tune an original demo with Phil Thornalley. I can’t thank him enough for sharing the desire to turn this loss into art.

Grown-up Making a Video
Deep down I do not see my (undisclosed) age as a handicap but as an advantage. I’ve experienced life more fully and I’m more comfortable living it than ever before. I’m even more comfortable in my own collagen-starved skin. Self-expression and the desire to make and share your art doesn’t change just because you’re in the second half of your century.

All About Eve
Eve gets me. She gets what I’m trying to do. She believes I’m as relevant as I believe I am in my own head. Isn’t that what a girl (or a boy) wants in a producer? Vagina or penis is irrelevant.

Songwriter (Sadly) For Hire
“Topliners” have been doing it for years…without any guilt or second thought. I held my ears. I didn’t want to admit it was something we have to consider: Charging for sessions. It makes me sad. But not sadder than how I feel when I’m the only one in the room not getting paid.
This Valentines Day
I swore I’d never post about the passing of someone in my family — it’s too personal — too raw for the likes of Facebook, at least for me. But it feels like it would be ignoring the kitty that isn’t in the room any more. On this Valentines Day I give my heart to anyone who’s lost a furry friend…may they rest peacefully after having giving us the sweetest gift there is — emotional support and pure unconditional love.
It Takes A Village To Make A Record
Everyone has a village. Take a deep breath and think about who yours is. Hopefully you have a bit of savings to pay for what you can’t do yourself. Or you can offer a service you’re expert at in exchange for something about which you’re clueless. But reach out. Ask for help. You may be pleasantly surprised at who steps up.