What is Happy
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What is Happy

If people ask me if I was happy in my 20s, although it appeared that I was outwardly, I have to say I wasn’t always happy in the true sense of the word. BUT … I was enjoying my growth, my evolution, my angst because … I had songwriting in my pocket. I had an outlet. If I had a dark day I could turn it into art. And THAT made me happy. 🙂

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Under The Influence
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Under The Influence

Writing under the influence changes your judgement. It just does. That said, I’m all for it as long as you're not too invested. As long as you're willing to wake up the morning-after and forgive yourself for the sin of thinking you were a genius the night before when in fact you were a fool. 😳

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Used To Be Young
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Used To Be Young

I love Miley’s low range. Her dirty gravelly tone. I love that she doesn’t have to incorporate melisma-for-days to prove she’s a diva. I love that she’s an artist who’s comfortable with mistakes, vulnerability and growth. Selfishly, I hope she keeps on growing. 

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Thank You ❤️
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Thank You ❤️

After spilling about my tinnitus last week the empathy and 411 poured in literally from all over the globe and man, I never realized how many of us have it. We just never talk about it I guess. But after weeks of going down the Google rabbit hole looking for answers, cures and comfort … it was my online community and music biz friends that lifted me up and pointed me toward the light at the end of a the tunnel. 🙏

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Tinnitus 😳
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Tinnitus 😳

I come to you today with a mystery malady. I wasn’t gonna mention it but I changed my mind because when you share mystery maladies, especially an ear-related one on a forum where there are a lot of sound-centric creators, we may get some clarity. So here goes…

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Out Of Africa
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Out Of Africa

Going on Safari was magical and life changing. What impressed me beyond was how all the creatures (well the herbivores at least) co-exist so peacefully. Respect one another’s right to be. (We humans can learn from them.) 🦁🦓🦒🦍🦏🦛

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Musical Theatre Masterclass
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Musical Theatre Masterclass

Remember a few months ago when I said ‘Everybody is working on a musical’? It’s true. Well almost everyone. Some of us are working on two. Or three! After decades of pop-songwriting the Musical Theatre space is an understandable exciting pivot.

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My older sister was a Neil Young/CSN fan and she played Four Way Street ALL THE TIME. Our bedrooms were separated by a thin sheet-rocked wall and I heard everything. “Cowgirl In The Sand” was my favorite track. Maybe I wanted to be somebody’s ‘cowgirl.’ Who knows. Someday I’d be old enough to “play this game.” Whatever game that was. What can I say? The song stirred me.

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I Think About You Daily
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I Think About You Daily

“I Think About You Daily” is a 6 minute drunk text with major 7ths about the passage of time and the people (or person) we leave behind. Chrissie Hynde is into telling it like she is…always has been. Plus, she’s older. Less to lose. Less to prove. Then again…she never really grew up entirely. I think that’s the secret. She still crushes and regrets and loves again for the first time. 🎸

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Kill Your Darlings
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Kill Your Darlings

We hunkered down today and decided to experiment with a non-structured song. We resisted our pop sensibilities and incorporated many different unrepeated sections — a quantum leap out of our comfort zone. We might have to write three versions of the same song before we feel like we hit the mark. There’ll be elements in the versions we scrap that are wonderful and will never see the light of day. It’s been said that writers must “kill their darlings” — get rid of the most precious and especially self-indulgent passages for the greater good of the literary work. Like that. Not easy but necessary. And painful! 💔

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10 Songwriting Habits
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10 Songwriting Habits

Hello songwriting junkies!

I detest listicles and their clickbait intentions but I came upon a piece I wrote for Songwriting Magazine called “10 Key Phrases to Help You Tap into a Deeper Level of Songwriting Creativity.” The list is actually random brain farts 😜 that I didn’t think too much about. On the re-read however, I thought — ”Yeah!” So … I’m sharing with you. I hope you find something here that ups your game. 🎸🎶

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Ticket To Harry
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Ticket To Harry

I’m obsessed with “As It Was.” Sometimes I go to a concert to hear one song! Also, I like to observe the modern fan-culture condition. I’m confident Harry will demonstrate. Will it be the Beatles at Shea? Hell no. But a night to remember for sure.

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Roll Up
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Roll Up

I’ve flown halfway around the world in order to write with someone who makes me better. But Paul and John lived within a mile or 2 of each other. And George and Ringo weren’t far. I can’t even fathom this unlikely convergence of stars colliding … on my visit to Liverpool.

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Sweet Dreams (are made of this)
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Sweet Dreams (are made of this)

Every song has a story. It blows my mind that one minute there’s nothing and then — there is. It’s a body of energy that didn’t exist the day before. I go to a session with absolutely no idea what I’ll be coming home with. A gift. A surprise. A promise. A miracle. 

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Jury Duty
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Jury Duty

Everyone I know is always trying to get out of Jury Duty. Me Included. As a musician, we can’t afford to miss a session. It could be the day we write the song that changes our life. It doesn’t matter though because they never pick me. But then, God said ha! And now that’s it’s over I’m kinda happy she did. 🤓

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Why Does Ed Sheeran Keep Getting Sued?
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Why Does Ed Sheeran Keep Getting Sued?

We all fall into that delicious trap of borrowing something we sincerely believe we wrote. It’s human. We’re influenced by everything that came before and it’s not surprising that we mimic. Just like we inherit our parents’ mannerisms because we’ve grown up around them. But it’s our professional duty to assess our work and adjust as needed. And if we find it’s impossible to separate ‘ours from theirs,’ then we share credit PRE-release just like the writers of “I’m A Mess” did with Meredith (Brooks) and I when a resemblance between their track and our song “Bitch” was brought to their attention. 

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“If your voice is on something you didn’t write and you’re not endorsing that message it can be a really scary,” says Musician Reeny Smith. I concur. Not to mention forgoing approval from the artist that’s being scraped and profiting from an algorithm that IS the artist’s unique style. I’ve been in denial about AI just as I was about Napster. And Covid. And growing up. But they all happened anyway. Toothpaste out of the tube. How do we co-exist?

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She Rocks Rocked!
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She Rocks Rocked!

At The She Rocks Awards 2023 I was being given the ‘Dream Out Loud Award.’ They got THAT right! I dream out loud all the time. It doesn’t matter that the dreams don’t always come true. I continue because hope is good for the heart. 

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In a recent PBS special awarding Joni Mitchell with The Gershwin Prize for popular song — the nation’s highest award for influence, impact and achievement, Annie Lennox sings “Both Sides Now” from the perspective of the back half of life as opposed to having it all in front of us. I had to press pause intermittently to catch my breath. To grab my heart. Nobody sings like Annie. And nobody writes like Joni. She’s otherworldly. She is…Stardust.

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Daisy Jones & The Six
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Daisy Jones & The Six

It may not be songwriter porn but Daisy allowed me my nostalgia. It’s not that I don’t look forward; I do. And I still have quite a fertile creative life. But you only come up once. And those definitely were the days. They were MY days. Most of us made fools (and some of us legends) of ourselves on the path to discovering who we were (or weren’t), rather than chasing algorithms and blending in. There was no roadmap. 

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