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You don’t realize how much a part of your life a social media platform can be until it’s not there. It’s like going out and realizing you left your phone at home. So should I stay or should I go? I’m still not sure of that answer. And again I might not have a choice. Perhaps the Universe is trying to make the decision for me. 🙄

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Funny Girl
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Funny Girl

Lea Michele’s delightful, adorable qualities were the very things that Barbra’s legendary Fanny Brice was not. Barbra’s Fanny was outrageous. An odd beauty. A lovable clumsy anomaly. That’s what made ladies-man Nicki Arnstein’s attraction to her so unlikely. Lea’s Fanny was someone you could imagine just about anyone falling in love with. 

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The Show Must Go On!
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The Show Must Go On!

Three days before the only rehearsal for the first table read of our Musical I suggested to Adam that we reschedule. According to Apple weather LA was expecting a storm of mass proportions. The worst in 40 years. We’d probably lose power. What would YOU do? 😫

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The “Beach Boys” at the Dolby
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The “Beach Boys” at the Dolby

I personally never caught a wave, but as per tribute presenter John Stamos: The Beach Boys were “a part of our DNA.” You didn’t have to surf to get them. Some of my favorite artists and bands re-interpreting some of my favorite songs from the soundtrack of my youth was a song-junkie’s dream and super special night I’ll always remember.

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Kiss Me 💋
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Kiss Me 💋

I thought it appropriate on this V❤️lentines Day to share a song I wrote with multi-talented UK based co-writer (and producer) Phil Thornalley. It was obviously inspired by the iconic style of Burt Bacharach and Hal David whose body of work we both adore. Phil gave me the title along with the melody. And as it usually is with my reactions to Phil's "starts" here's what fell out in one afternoon >❤️>❤️>❤️>❤️>>>

Happy Valentines Day everyone.

I hope you all have someone you long to kiss.

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It’s GRAMMY week. I have a love-hate relationship with it. I love it when I’m nominated.🤓 Which isn’t very often. Otherwise, it can ruffle all kinds of feels at this stage in my life and career. Like how did I get to be one of the oldest people at these parties?

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A Word About Snoring 😴😵‍💫
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A Word About Snoring 😴😵‍💫

I know. l know. What does snoring have to do with making music? Actually it kinda does. And I’ll tell you why. Quality and quantity of sleep are directly related to creativity >>> being on your game. 😐 So if you or somebody you sleep next to snores, you may want to read this.

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And Another Thing About The Beatles…
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And Another Thing About The Beatles…

Every time I’m working on a song that I’m super excited about…a song I think has heart and legs and a raison d’être…if I should stumble in passing upon “You’re Gonna Lose That Girl,” or “Dear Prudence” (really anything Beatles) I start questioning my work. As in why bother to write songs if I can’t write a song that good? Have you ever felt that way?

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Every Day Is Another Chance To Try
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Every Day Is Another Chance To Try

Have you made any new year’s resolutions you suspect you won’t be able to keep? Think about it this way. For every time you don't succeed never look at it as a failure but as a rehearsal. Somebody once told me that young songwriters have to get through all the ‘no’s’ — all the hundreds of rejections — before you can get to the ‘yes.’ So best to get your no’s over with. All those rehearsals. Every one matters.

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A Lost & Found Christmas Story
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A Lost & Found Christmas Story

We want to believe there’s a reason for things - and that reasons will reveal themselves in due time. The alternative, believing in sheer coincidence, is not as enchanting as magical thinking. But I like it! Especially at Christmas. . 🎄❤️💚

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EVERYBODY’S Working on a Musical!
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EVERYBODY’S Working on a Musical!

I’ve been reluctant about sharing what I’ve been up to but I’ve learned you have to tell the Universe what you want. What your intentions are. Now, I’m not saying that every endeavor is going to fly just because you let the Universe in on your secret. It may not. BUT YOU STILL HAVE TO PUT IT OUT THERE. 😳

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The C-Word
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The C-Word

I have a theory: If we continue referring to music as “content,” we’re giving license and incentive to those it benefits should the language stick. I’m not saying that if we stop using the c-word we’ll suddenly prosper, but rather that continuing to give it cred is bad Karma. It puts a hex on our livelihood. The Universe hears us.

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She’s Gone
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She’s Gone

After a month of anticipation, loading up the fridge with her favorite snacks from Trader Joes, getting all the junk I’ve been storing in her bedroom OUT of her bedroom … the week is over. What’s a mother to do?

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Trust Anyway
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Trust Anyway

Last Tuesday morning I FaceTime’d with my daughter Layla and told her I’ve been thinking a lot about faith. She, in an effort to comfort me, said the definition of faith is “trust anyway.” I wrote it down on a Post-it. That would be my mantra throughout a very busy day. No matter how it turned out.

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Sometimes I’m unable to give Taylor Swift the kudos she deserves because she’s so calculated, effective, brilliant, shameless! I can’t decide whether she’s the girl I love to hate or the girl I hate to love. I guess she’s a little bit of both. 

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Covid In NY
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Covid In NY

I was a ‘Novid’ for the longest time (never tested positive for Covid). Thought I was immune. Maybe I had the magical blood type (0) which supposedly offers more protection — but then God said “ha.” 🙄 >>>>>

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Daryl And Todd
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Daryl And Todd

You guys might have read about my obsession with Todd Rundgren. But FYI I’m a freak for Daryl Hall as well. And so … the 2 of them together is like sleeping with 2 of your favorite lovers at the same time. Insane! If my ears had eyes they be rolling to the back of my head.

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Two Of Us
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Two Of Us

I always feel a sense of ‘what just happened?’ when I’m ready for take off after a trip that was long awaited and is now over … like so much else in life. Including I imagine, life itself. No matter how wonderful a time was had, it will be a relief to come home. To get my passport stamped. To speak and be understood. To know I can find my way all by myself if I get lost. So I’m happy. But I’m also sad to leave my friend. Because I’ll miss her all over again.

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Good Morning Bodrum, Türkiye
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Good Morning Bodrum, Türkiye

I took this particular trip because one of my dearest besties up and left the country 6 months into the pandemic to go back to her homeland. One day I realized … she’s not coming back. (Maybe I should have known this when she sold everything she owned and packed up her 2 cats.) Clearly, I was in denial.

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John Lennon, Selena and ABBA
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John Lennon, Selena and ABBA

John Lennon was featured on a larger-than-life screen behind Paul at a recent concert. I love Paul beyond and I’m ecstatic to hear, see, anything re-imagined on John’s behalf. But I wonder how John would have felt.

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